
UNM National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Chapter 

Article I – Name & Affiliation 

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the University of New Mexico Collegiate Member Chapter of the National Association for Music Education. 

Section 2. This organization shall have an affiliate relationship to the New Mexico Music Educators Association. 


Article II - Purpose 

Section 1. It shall be the purpose of this organization to: 

  1. Make opportunities for professional development available to all.
  2. Educate and acquaint students in the field, privileges, and responsibilities of the music education profession. 
  3. Provide opportunities for all to become acquainted with leaders in the music education profession as gained from participation in programs and demonstrations, discussions, and performing groups planned by this organization.
  4. Provide opportunity for contacts with individual NAfME student members of this and other universities.
  5. Encourage community involvement in the areas of music education and the fine arts. 


Article III - Membership 

Section 1.  Any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at the University of New Mexico is eligible for membership.   

Section 2. Prospective members can join at the beginning of each semester during their studies as undergraduate or graduate students. 

Section 3. Members must pay local chapter dues, and are suggested to pay annual national dues, to maintain their membership.  

3.1 Annual national dues are outlined on 
3.2 Chapter dues are $10 annually and are collected by the chapter treasurer within the academic year. 
3.3 Once a payment plan is initiated and maintained the member will be considered active.  
3.3.1 Payment can be completed all at once or in separate payments as communicated by the individual and treasurer.  

Section 4. Membership is subject to change at any time by the decision of a faculty advisor. 

Section 5. All UNM NAfME chapter members must maintain a semesterly (current term) GPA of 2.5 at minimum. A grade check will be conducted by the faculty advisor at the end of each semester.  

5.1 Failure to meet the GPA minimum may result in consequences at the discretion of the faculty advisor, including removal from the chapter.  


Article IV - The Executive Board 

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of elected NAfME-Collegiate members and a designated faculty advisor appointed by the University of New Mexico Music Education faculty. 

Section 2. The Officers of this chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Chair, Website Manager, and Immediate Past President. 

2.1 President duties are as follows: preside at chapter and executive meetings, develop agenda for meetings, represent the chapter on and off campus, handle correspondence for the chapter including Thank You letters to speakers, and keep SAC online charter system up to date.  

2.1.1 In the event that the President is not able to represent the chapter, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President.  
2.1.2 The President shall make decisions in the best interest of the chapter and delegate authority accordingly.  
2.2 Vice President duties are as follows: coordinate with chapter officers and organize the Music Ed Rally and other recruitment events and assist the President where needed.  
2.2.1 In the event that the President is not able to represent the chapter the Vice President will assume the duties of the President. 
2.3 Secretary duties are as follows: record minutes of chapter and executive meetings, report chapter activities for publication on chapter website, keep an updated chapter roster and attendance log, check that quorum is met for all chapter meetings, and keep a collaborative log of chapter dues with treasurer. 
2.4 Treasurer duties are as follows: collect chapter membership dues, maintain chapter’s financial records, keep collaborative log of chapter dues with secretary, attend and submit budget hearings when necessary, attend money workshops provided by SAC, and present fundraising ideas to the executive board.  
2.4 Social Media chair duties are as follows: keep UNM NAfME social media platforms up to date, and create, print, and display posters for all NAfME events. 
2.5 Website Manager duties are as follows: complete online training provided by UNM IT, keep chapter website up to date with calendar, constitution, membership information, executive and chapter meeting minutes, and any information that is pertinent to the chapter.  
2.6 Immediate Past President duties are as follows: assist the current executive board during transitional period.  

Section 3.  Officers of the organization shall be responsible for the affairs and overall policy and direction of the organization.  

3.1 The executive board shall represent the band, orchestral, vocal, and guitar concentrations. 
3.2 The executive board shall be held responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating projects, productions, and programs that promote the objective of the organization.  

Section 4. Any member desiring to resign from the board shall submit their resignation in writing to the faculty advisor and current executive board along with one (1) or two (2) recommendations for their replacement. The current executive board may also provide a recommendation if necessary. At the following executive meeting, the board shall acknowledge the resignation and elect a replacement to be approved by the faculty advisor. 

Section 5. All officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) academic year. 

Section 6. No officer shall hold the same position for more than three (3) consecutive terms. 

Section 7. President must have spent at least one (1) term on the executive board prior to being nominated and running as president. 

Section 8. In the event that a member of the executive board consistently fails to fulfil their elected duties, violates UNM’s Code of Conduct, does not meet the requirements of the grade policy, or is not upholding the standards of the chapter, the executive board may hold a meeting with the faculty advisor to discuss the removal of the individual from office.  

8.1 The final decision of the removal of the individual lies with the Faculty Advisor. 

Section 9. In the event that an officer position goes unfilled, the most recently elected executive board will delegate these responsibilities among themselves.  

9.1 One (1) officer may hold more than one (1) position on the executive board in cases of necessity.

Article V - Faculty Advisor 

Section 1. The chapter will have a Faculty Advisor who is a registered NAfME member.  

Section 2. The responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor are as follows:  

  1. Act as a representative of NAfME to the chapter membership; 
  2. Represent students in their association with NAfME at every level; 
  3. Inform the students of the nature, purpose, and function of NAfME; 
  4. Encourage interest and participation of students in NAfME activities; 
  5. Act as a liaison between the various levels of NAfME; 
  6. Serve as an advisor and guide in formulation of chapter programs and policies.  


Article VI – Amendments 

Section 1. Amendments to this constitution must be presented at official chapter meetings.  

Section 2. Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of chapter membership in attendance, requiring that two-thirds of the executive board is present.   

Section 3. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon approval.  

Article VII – Governance 

Section 1. This constitution, along with all collegiate, local, and national NAfME policies, shall serve as the governing documents for this organization.  


Article VIII- Meetings 

Section 1. Meetings are open to all active members. 

1.1 Non-members may attend meetings upon invitation or permission from an executive board member. 
1.2 Inactive members may attend meetings upon invitation or permission from the chapter president or vice president.
Section 2. The agenda for both chapter and executive board meetings shall be made available 24 hours prior to the meeting.  

Section 3. The executive board will meet as needed. 

Section 4. The Quorum needed to hold a chapter meeting is as follows: 50% of active membership and 66% of officers present 


Article IX- Nominations and Election Process 

Section 1. Elected positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Chair, and Website Manager. 

Section 2. Nominations are open to all eligible UNM NAfME members. 

2.1 The role of President (1) year of prior participation on the UNM NAfME executive board. 
2.2 Active UNM NAfME members may be nominated by themselves, faculty advisors, or other active UNM NAfME members. 
2.3 Nominations must be reported to a UNM NAfME Faculty Advisor or executive board member. 

Section 3. The election process will adhere to the following timeline: 

3.1 The UNM NAfME executive board will hold an informational meeting regarding nominations in early April. 
3.2 Voting will take place at a chapter meeting that meets both attendance and voting quorum. 
3.3 The new executive board will be established before the spring semester finals week. 
3.4 The newly elected executive board will assist the previous executive board in planning and executing the end of year BBQ. 

Section 4. Voting is open to all active UNM NAfME members.  

Section 5. Votes will be collected through the faculty advisor’s recommended method.  

Section 6. In the event that a position has no candidates for election, Officers may be assigned/elected to multiple duties/positions.